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Wood-fired boiler WBS - 50 KW


Steel wood-fired boilers WBS range in nominal output from 50 kW to satisfy the heating demands of medium to large sized spaces. They are engineered for burning solid fuel and provide the option for fitting pellet, oil or gas-fired burners.

Price: 1,888.00лв.
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 Product Features


  • Simple installation and handling
  • Design complying with EN 303-5
  • Combustion chamber with large heat exchanging surface and low chamber resistance
  • Large firebox door ensures easy loading even with bigger wood chunks
  • Ribbed chamber surface and three-pass flue gas flow for improved heat exchange
  • Burner flange on lower door for fitting gas, oil, or pellet burners
  • Easy cleaning and maintenance
  • Pressure relief valve 2,5 bar included in the delivery set
  • Exchangeable metallic ash grate protects the chamber base from the flame

Three safety devices :

  • Thermostatic draught regulator;
  • Pressure relief valve;
  • Safety heat evacuator a tap-water-filled line passes through the upmost part of the boiler body. In case of overheating it is triggered open by a thermostatic valve (not included) to evacuate the heat off the boiler.



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