"METEOR" Ltd. specializes in the integration of alternative energy sources in the Bulgarian market. The company headquarters is in Plovdiv. The company employs highly qualified employees. The company develops, manufactures and markets solar thermal and photovoltaic systems from leading manufacturers.
3 products found from METEOR SOLAR SYSTEMS |
Solar controller SOLAR GUARD TSFThis unit is applyed for controlling the elements of a solar thermal energy system (circulation pump and electrical heater on boiler).
Measures up to 2 (3 on specific request) temperatures and has 2 separate relay outputs for each element (pump/ heating wire and electrical heater on boiler). Fully programable with 6 main parameters.
Includes real time clock with battery backup (2xААА).
Incorporates powerfull relay for direct conection of electrical heater up to 3kW (4kW on special request). Two modes of oppertion - applicabe for bought systems: with circulation and thermosiphonic type. Controls the heater opperation by time and temperatures. Easy selection of electrical heater mode “AUTO”/ON./OFF./HOLLYDAY by separate buton. Price: 120.00лв.
Solar controller SOLAR GUARD TC4
The solar contoller is used to control the elements of the heating systems (solar panels, boiler / hot water and, boiler for heating and / or others.). Price: 180.00лв.